Thursday, October 1, 2009


Oh so much to tell after such a long absence! I will try to fill in all of the blanks another time, however. Sorry for being such a slacker.

Monday evening my son John went out to feed Scoot. He came back in and all was well with the world, chores all done....
Tuesday morning comes, and the chaos of getting the boys ready for school ensues. I let the dog, Hula, out to go potty first thing. She usually stays out until I am ready to leave to take the boys to school . So I am getting ready to leave, I go to let in the dog, and - lo and hehold -
SCOOT'S CAGE IS EMPTY!!!!! With the door wide open!!!! OMG! It feels as though that first stab of panic damn near brings a on a seizure. I tell the boys "we have to go now, I will look for him when I get back..." or else we were going to be late for school....
panicpanicpanic all the way to and from school...OMG scoot's gone...omg! whaddoI do??? omg!!! omg omgomgomg heart racing CRAP
I look all over the usual places....In the palms, under the Tiki bar, in the shed, under the RV, in the RV, under the neighbor's deck, OMG HE'S GONE.....feeling pure terror at what could happen to an un-street-savy coon...who is so tubby he cannot get out of his own way....dogscarsguns OMG! I am feeling like SUCH a horrible failure as a coon mom. How could I let this happen?!

Ok, now to get into gear... I can find him! I know I can!
First...tell all the neighbors to be on the lookout for the Scoot. check.
Second...make flyers and knock on every door on the canal, leave flyers at every house. check. Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh -well, you get the idea - look in all the suspected hiding places. again. checkcheckcheck

I was so sad thinking of all the bad things that could happen to him, and I missed him terribly already...I thought for sure we were never going to see his face again. Mark calls throughout the day for updates, no news to give him.

After Mark comes home in the afternoon, he starts asking me where I've looked. "So, did you look under the tiki bar?" yes. "Did you look in the shed?"
yes. "Did you look in the cabinets in the bar?" cabinets? CABINETS?????? no, I didn't think of that one!
Marks walks out back to look in the cabinets, and comes back CARRYING SCOOTER!!!!! YAY! Found him! WooHoo!!! That coon was passed out in the liquer cabinet. He brings Scooter inside and I swear Scooter was smiling! He was SOSOSO happy to be in the house with his peeps. We were happy to have him back.
Now he is back to being the most spoiled raccoon in the world :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

window destroyer

Pleeeeeeeeease can I come in??? hmmmmm? I'm so cute and cuddly, you can't resist....

Hey!!! Wait for meeeeeee!
So, after comandeering the top of the kitchen cabinets, (for about 2 hours) The Scoot decides to come down....the hard way.....failing to realize that his considerable size (read : FAT) is more than the window curtain rod can take!

Made it!
So long, SUCKER!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Scoot came in today to play. He made the usual rounds.

Dog food bowl....

OOOOOOO grilled chicken! YUM!

and the water bowl...


After the food raid, he was REALLY amped up. Totally hyper. Ricocheting all over the place! He started climbing on everything, including things he KNOWS he's not supposed to climb on. "Damn the consequences, I AM CLIMBING ON THIS!"

So he gets on the bookshelf with the empty 55 gallon fishtank on top of it and climbs up to the top of the shelf, trying to get up onto the top of the tank. Nope, that won't work....too fat.....HA! I laugh at him for being such a fatty.

and with an evil gleam in his eye, his expression seems to say "mwuhahahah you'll never catch me now sucker!"


who, meeeee????

coon under glass?


fat butt!!! hahahahahaha!

ok, I'll come out now.

but only for food.

Aaaahhhhh....full tummy again. Muuuuuuuch better!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hot wheels in the grass

I have come to learn that lawn mowers really don't like Hot Wheels cars.

Especially when you run them over while mowing.

Scooter, however, was intrigued by all of the comotion and swearing going on out in the yard.

He does like hot wheels cars.

I think he just wanted the car for himself.

"Hey whatcha got there????"


"Can I have it? hmmmmmmm?????"




"Pretty please with kisses and hugs?"

what the hell. here.


ooooooooo such a fun water toy!"

"I liiiiiiiike water toys!"

"See? Cars are good in the water!"


Friday, July 3, 2009

Splish Splash!

I was finally able to video Scoot playing in his pool. Wasn't easy.......or safe for the camera!
Remember, I do this EVERY DAY! As I walk away muttering to myself, I cannot help but think "crazy coon!"

Funny, he never gets tired of it. It's almost as though he's trying to splash me on purpose...hmmm.....I wonder.......

Maybe it comes from when he was just a wee little thing..


Monday, June 29, 2009

for Kami...

Just for you , Kami!

सी वहत हिन्दी लूक्स लिखे?

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hot rainy days are good for sleeping.

Scoot wouldn't come out today.....Rainy days are meant for sleeping.

"I won't come out!"


So, he got lots and lots of ear scritches and chin scratchys instead of coming inside. mmmmmmmmmm purrrrrrrr

but then.......

" Hey wait! Where are YOU going? You can't leave! You have more rubbing and scritches to give!"
Well, being the sucker that I am, I had to stay a bit longer and give more scritches. (on my forehead: SUCKER)
After I'm done, I clean up his "potty area", and rinse out his pool and refill it with fresh water. He REALLY loves his pool. Really. He decided to come out after all, if only to interfere with me filling up his pool. Wherever I directed the stream of water to fill the pool, Scoot was right there in it. Trying to bite the water. Yes, BITE it. Crazy coon. I will get video of that soon, promise. As it was today, no camera was safe from the splashing water......

I don't care what goodies ou have under your sofa cushions. I am NOT coming out!

But then...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cushion remover

Yesterday Scoot came in to play. As usual, he made goody rounds. First, he checked the dog food bowl to ensure it is empty. After Scoot was through with it, it WAS empty. Then he checked to make sure the pantry door was locked. It was. (glad I remembered this time!) Then, one by one, he removed the cushions from the sofa and diligently searched beneath them to uncover anything lost that maybe once contained sugar। Candy wrappers from the kids, juicebox straws, random cardboard shrapnel, it's all good to the Scoot।
Then.....the poor dog, she is a SAINT। The Scoot shows no mercy. Scooter repeatedly throws himself at her, butt first. Over and over. Poor dog...and we were thinking of getting a new puppy.....HA! The Scoot'd have it for lunch!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gators and 'coons and otters, oh my!

So, the other night, my son Robert (6) walks outside to feed the Scoot.....he comes back inside with BIG wild eyes and says "Mom, that's NOT Scoot!" So I respond, "what do you mean, that's not Scoot?" Robert says "LOOK!" as he points out the back door...and standing up on hind legs peering into Scoot's door, is a wild raccoon! Scooter wouldn't even come out of his barrel/den...Only his nose and eyes stuck out. He was like "WTF??? Who is THAT?" (seriously, the look on his face said it all) The wild 'coon stuck around scrounging food for a bit, but we haven't seen him since...
Then, this morning, my other son, John, (8) comes running in full speed from the back yard yelling "Mom! Mom! there's an OTTER in the canal!" I'm thinking, "sure there is..." So we all go out back to the tiki bar, and sure enough there is a Florida River Otter sitting under our dock! Mark and the boys fed him a couple of shrimp, and we watched and laughed for a while......while the dog went nuts..... Otters are really entertaining to watch. It is not very good video, but darn, they are so fast, they're hard to capture on film or in pictures...
And to think that just two weeks ago we had a pair of gators out back...wild surburbia!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


He can be such a little bugger....When he doesn't want you to do something, he "snarfs" at you...sort of a growl snort hiss. If you don't take the hint, he will bit you just to get his point across...owww

Day one!

Scooter the raccoon . Blond. Mischievious. Sweet. Naughty. Life wouldn't be the same without him! Now he's coming inside to play...